It was a fascinating Black lady preacher, who had a great sense of humor, and was single, like me so I kept listening to her. Well, little Toasty, who was sound asleep in the other room, heard this strange woman talking in an animated way and came right into the office wide eyed. Finding the source of the sound he got up on the table and SAT on the boom box!
I called A. to tell her of this humorous incident and left a message on her cell. When she called me back we talked a little, she thought maybe the cat was not so attracted to the preaching as much as maybe he wanted to quiet her down. No, I told her. The lady was good, and discovered that A. not only knew the speaker but had worked with her in a clowning ministry. I pulled the tape out to read the lady's name. It was most appropriately "Joy."
Just about then A. saw a man walking down the freeway with a gas can, and realized that she was heading into the city with no cash and no gas. I had her stop by my house which she had to pass on her way, and was able to give her twenty dollars. She called later to tell me that gas is $2.66 on my corner, and that her "fuel low" light had gone on when she was pulling out of my driveway.
Was it God, that she just happened to see the man with the gas can between New Haven and Mt. Clemens? Was it God that the cat acted so cutely that I called her? Was it God last week when I was cleaning out my battery/camera/computer wire drawer and found that long missing envelope with my summer money in it last week? I had honestly concluded that I had spent the money and had forgotten about it. That was right after I had the garage painted, and there were lots of expenses there, so I concluded in August that between the painting and my dentist bills I was tight on money for a while.
Whatever, my friend called me back to thank me and to say if that all had not happened it would have been her walking on the side of I-94, and NOT in a nice area, looking for gas.
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