Well, Its about time I add something to this blog, or my family will think I have croaked or something. There are serious things happening with some of my church friends, and I am not quite occupied with "me" right now. On top of this, I managed to start getting the symptoms of the flu, right before I was going to go find a place to get a flu shot. At exercise class this morning one of the men sneezed in the middle of an exercise, and because our arms were engaged with the exercise, he was not able to cover his nose. I immediately sensed that I was vulnerable. You kind of know those things sometimes.
Anyway I got through the afternoon fine. Had a nice salad at the Big Boy, since Mc D's had discontinued their great Asian salad, I figured this was a nice choice, except a little more expensive. I was able to shop a little at K Mart, and started feeling ill. Now I know I didn't catch it from the gentleman in my class, but I decided it was time to go home and bundle up. Such a beautiful day too. Glad I got to enjoy it before this malady hunkered in. Took a nap. Woke up with a chill and fever all at the same time. Turned up the heat, and force fed liquids, and orange juice and took two aspirin. At least the fever went down. But I will be waiting a while for that flu shot. They say it is not good to get the shot when you have symptoms.

Found a new beautiful blog. It won awards because of its tasteful pictures and homey comments. Its called Back Porch Musings. Done by a sweet older couple in MO. Check it out. It is really beautiful and tasteful. Has lots of nice fall photos, and stuff like that.
Most folk I know have not had to sign in for a google account to access these blogs. I know I didn't to access Deb's blog, but my sister who is on MSN says she had to log in as a google member. I somewhat can see how this could be possible, but basically it does not compute in my brain.
I mainly signed on today to say. Yes, I am still here. No, my car is not fixed yet, but it did get a quick fix so it is safe to drive until they get the parts it needs. I guess that will be done on Monday or Tuesday. They will give me a rental car for the day. This has been a pretty good old car for me. While waiting at the dealership yesterday for two hours, I explored some other cars than the Malibu.
The Cobalt has a four door sedan that is very much like the Prism. That may be my solution. It comes in bright yellow, which I think a little too loud for me, and other colors. I'll probably ask for red or white, as these can be seen more easily by other drivers.
At breakfast this AM one of the ladies said they had just bought a Saturn Vue. That car had been on my list, but the dealership is a long way away. I am not sure I want to make the financial commitment either. Maybe next time, if there is a next time. If the Cobalt drives like the Prism, I will be happy. I have had two Prisms and would be happy with a third, except they don't make them anymore. So between my friend an me, we are doing our part for the Michigan auto industry. Maybe more folk will do this too. This "Let's keep spending even if conservatively" philosophy will help,,, just a little.
I finally applied for social security yesterday, then went to the dealership, and committed the first check which will come in November, for the motor mount and tune up. At least it is cheaper than a new transmission, but it was a blessing that I felt impelled to go check up on the tune up and give them the symptoms, which had started to resemble more than just a problem with the gears up shifting. Although the repair is going to cost more than the car is worth, I don't want to be rushed into getting a new car, and they repair cost will be about what two new car payments would be, so I don't feel badly about it. I would rather drive, and sell a car in safe condition. With the SS money plus a raise (COLA) they gave me in my pension, I am at a comfortable income again. At least that is what it looks like. I may even get the condo paid off. Yippee! Want to have it total equity, so no matter what housing goes to as long as my neighborhood stays safe, I will be free and clear.
When they said "motor mount", it clicked in my brain with the new noises the car was making, and my first question was "was the car safe to drive?" A while later the technician said, that it would be. I was surprised when I got the car back that although they had charged me nothing, that it rode a little better. Then it made sense. If the tech was in checking the mounts, of course he would have tightened them if possible. Nevertheless, I shall take it easy with this car till it is fixed. He also bumped out the dent in the hood that the trailer hitch on the truck in front of me on the Harsen's Island Ferry had made. In some ways it is nice to have an old car. I would have paid big bucks to fix that little dent on a new car. With this one. I'm just glad the hood latch holds and I'll slap a little rust-o-lium on it, maybe.
I took J., the lady who moved into the Gardens apartments, to breakfast this morning with THE GROUP. There were thirty of us this time. A new record. J was able to sit by S. M. who lives in a neighboring city to where she owns her home. They had a great conversation and everyone made J. feel welcome. This is such a great group. J. really enjoyed it. I was glad the car was fixed too. I was getting concerned that I had offered to drive someone someplace and then the car started acting badly. Glad we found out what was wrong.
Well, I guess I have said enough. I will retire early tonite and pray for my friends, one who is sick herself, and the other whose young son is seriously ill. One more orange juice and I shall wrap up warm with a compress on my aching head. Hopefully the dealership will call tomorrow. Maybe the car can even be fixed tomorrow, but I seriously think it will be Monday. At least I feel a little better anyway.
Anyway I got through the afternoon fine. Had a nice salad at the Big Boy, since Mc D's had discontinued their great Asian salad, I figured this was a nice choice, except a little more expensive. I was able to shop a little at K Mart, and started feeling ill. Now I know I didn't catch it from the gentleman in my class, but I decided it was time to go home and bundle up. Such a beautiful day too. Glad I got to enjoy it before this malady hunkered in. Took a nap. Woke up with a chill and fever all at the same time. Turned up the heat, and force fed liquids, and orange juice and took two aspirin. At least the fever went down. But I will be waiting a while for that flu shot. They say it is not good to get the shot when you have symptoms.

Most folk I know have not had to sign in for a google account to access these blogs. I know I didn't to access Deb's blog, but my sister who is on MSN says she had to log in as a google member. I somewhat can see how this could be possible, but basically it does not compute in my brain.
I mainly signed on today to say. Yes, I am still here. No, my car is not fixed yet, but it did get a quick fix so it is safe to drive until they get the parts it needs. I guess that will be done on Monday or Tuesday. They will give me a rental car for the day. This has been a pretty good old car for me. While waiting at the dealership yesterday for two hours, I explored some other cars than the Malibu.
The Cobalt has a four door sedan that is very much like the Prism. That may be my solution. It comes in bright yellow, which I think a little too loud for me, and other colors. I'll probably ask for red or white, as these can be seen more easily by other drivers.
At breakfast this AM one of the ladies said they had just bought a Saturn Vue. That car had been on my list, but the dealership is a long way away. I am not sure I want to make the financial commitment either. Maybe next time, if there is a next time. If the Cobalt drives like the Prism, I will be happy. I have had two Prisms and would be happy with a third, except they don't make them anymore. So between my friend an me, we are doing our part for the Michigan auto industry. Maybe more folk will do this too. This "Let's keep spending even if conservatively" philosophy will help,,, just a little.
I finally applied for social security yesterday, then went to the dealership, and committed the first check which will come in November, for the motor mount and tune up. At least it is cheaper than a new transmission, but it was a blessing that I felt impelled to go check up on the tune up and give them the symptoms, which had started to resemble more than just a problem with the gears up shifting. Although the repair is going to cost more than the car is worth, I don't want to be rushed into getting a new car, and they repair cost will be about what two new car payments would be, so I don't feel badly about it. I would rather drive, and sell a car in safe condition. With the SS money plus a raise (COLA) they gave me in my pension, I am at a comfortable income again. At least that is what it looks like. I may even get the condo paid off. Yippee! Want to have it total equity, so no matter what housing goes to as long as my neighborhood stays safe, I will be free and clear.
When they said "motor mount", it clicked in my brain with the new noises the car was making, and my first question was "was the car safe to drive?" A while later the technician said, that it would be. I was surprised when I got the car back that although they had charged me nothing, that it rode a little better. Then it made sense. If the tech was in checking the mounts, of course he would have tightened them if possible. Nevertheless, I shall take it easy with this car till it is fixed. He also bumped out the dent in the hood that the trailer hitch on the truck in front of me on the Harsen's Island Ferry had made. In some ways it is nice to have an old car. I would have paid big bucks to fix that little dent on a new car. With this one. I'm just glad the hood latch holds and I'll slap a little rust-o-lium on it, maybe.
I took J., the lady who moved into the Gardens apartments, to breakfast this morning with THE GROUP. There were thirty of us this time. A new record. J was able to sit by S. M. who lives in a neighboring city to where she owns her home. They had a great conversation and everyone made J. feel welcome. This is such a great group. J. really enjoyed it. I was glad the car was fixed too. I was getting concerned that I had offered to drive someone someplace and then the car started acting badly. Glad we found out what was wrong.
Well, I guess I have said enough. I will retire early tonite and pray for my friends, one who is sick herself, and the other whose young son is seriously ill. One more orange juice and I shall wrap up warm with a compress on my aching head. Hopefully the dealership will call tomorrow. Maybe the car can even be fixed tomorrow, but I seriously think it will be Monday. At least I feel a little better anyway.
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