Anyway, after getting a letter from my township supervisor that explained where he stood on the one issue I was unsure about, I was able to start filling out the ballot. When I got hung up on the non partisan ballot, I went to the Right to Life site and found out if they recommended any of the candidates there. There were only two that I could use that for, but I discovered that a lot of the positions were ones where you were allowed to vote for three and there were only three running, unless you put in a write in. So my ballot is completed and signed and stamped and ready to go out tomorrow morning. Yipee! Tonight on 20/20 John Stossal is talking about campaign promises and how a president can't possibly fix everything. Hopefully they can fix the financial mess. My Social Security appointment is next week, but if the pension funds die, a lot of us will be in a big mess. I think I have covered my bases as best I can by applying for SS and by being extra frugal.
Tonight I went to the new Meijers store that opened where a fancy golf course used to be. I was shocked. Here was this beautiful store on a Friday night, and it wasn't crowded. My Meijers in Roseville is always crowded. This one is too far away for me to shop at regularly but they had specials I wanted to take advantage of, so I drove across town to get there. I also went and looked at the new park they built behind it. Pretty, but not as big as I thought it was going to be. Good for the neighborhood though. Wonder if the store was empty because of the economy, or because not many people in that area go to Meijers. I am not complaining. I like shopping when I have the store to myself.
Well, the day started early, and it is time to hit the hay. And the hay is very attractive right now. My Chiropractor noticed something different in my back too. He is going to take new ex rays next month. Hopefully he will still be able to work on my. I don't want to have surgery, but it sure feels like my back is freezing up when I try to walk very far. I tried some of the flexing exercises I learned in the arthritis class. Though how suspicious I must have looked standing on the sidewalk in front of someones house trying to flex out my back. This is something I don't like about being sixty.
Found some old photos from the 1980's when singles went to Mio for the canoe trip and Betty, Annie, Judy and I climbed up that 101 step wooden stairway that went straight up the cliff from the beach. I was glad to see we all, even Betty, looked so young. Much younger than I am now. This is true. Because in 1984 Betty would not have been sixty yet and I was just 40. What a difference. Now, Betty has been gone for 14 years, Annie has post polio and can hardly walk, let alone climb, and I don't think I could climb that stairway either. Maybe with a lot of excedrin. Anyway I welcome rest tonite. Its been a long and good day. Beautiful fall weather. Nice walk although painful to the restaurant. Colors on trees are just turning and beautful reds and yellows. And the Spinach omelet is good for arthritis, and not all that expensive. Time to sleep. See Ya.
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