What a surprise. As I look out the window from home, north of SCS, it is sunny and wet. The trees are bright yellow and the sun is peeping through the leaves at my windows. Who would have thought that a few minutes ago driving the lake road home from church at around 14 mile road there was SNOW on the road, amidst the fallen leaves.
Good thing I am an old pro at this type of driving. Could have been pretty, but slick. Ike was sitting on his porch across from mine and told me that it had not snowed here, but it had hailed. The pellets were still on the ground when I went to get yesterday's mail and I picked up one of my hanging plants to store in the garage until I am ready to bag it for the landscaping truck to take away. The two geraniums are still intact on my porch, but I suppose they will be going too.
I do not like this forced denuding of the flower gardens, but I suppose it does get one ready mentally for the upcoming winter. At least the sight of snow this afternoon, surely did. Me? I want to hang on to the last flower until the last leaf is off the last tree. But these things are not to be. This morning when I got to church one of the greeters approached me with an address and asked if I would be able to pick up a lady who just moved into the senior apartments down the road. These are the Gardens Apartments, and are a great place to live if you have the money. They are around 1000 square feet and have their own van that takes people grocery shopping and on private outings.
The lady's name is J. Her daughter, S. is a nurse who lives way upnorth. The apartments are letting her try out the apartment for a month, letting her stay in the furnished guest apartment. I think she likes it already. I had lunch with them at a local Polynesian restaurant, and invited J. to our Wednesday nite dinner and teaching service meeting. I think I will hook her up with some of my friends who can drop her off at choir when their class is over.
She may also be interested in going to my arthritis class with me at Beaumont. They have a lot of different classes, so there may be one she can do. But I bet the Gardens has something as well. I know that her township has a senior center, which I forgot to tell them about at lunch. S will email me from upnorth, so I can let her know about that when she gets home. Her Mom has some other relatives in the area, so she may already know about the center. Also, as she makes friends at the Gardens I bet she will get more of a knack for the region. If my sister's experience in P.H. is any indication, you can have a lot of fun at these senior apartments.
I told Ike and Rick next door that as soon as my Social Security comes through I will be ready to buy a better car. They are both interested in mine. Hopefully I will soon find the title while going through my paperwork that Flylady started me going through. Amazing the things that are turning up. The two hundred dollars that showed up in a drawer was the best so far though. Still living on that.
Went to Waves Restaurant. Had a great meal of sauteed perch with champagne sauce, with sweet potatoes and asparagus on the side. They had coconut Chicken and Hawaiian chicken salad. They did not think the chicken was done enough. They were going back to her Mom's house to get some of her things. She has a neighbor watching the house and has notified the police to keep an eye on it as well. Hopefully the real estate market will get better this spring when they will be trying to sell it. Two bad they can't get two buyers bidding for it like I do for my car.
Maybe they will. Maybe the economy will take an upturn. Maybe Things will get better. Didn't they used to have a song in the 1930's. Just around the corner theres a bluebird in the sky. So lets have another cup of coffee, and lets have another piece of pie, or buy a car or a house or something. Now I understand what that song was all about. Get the economy rolling again. Pie, Coffee, cars, houses, trips. Whatever. Right now I will just be happy with a car I can depend on, and my neighbors want a good junker for their second car. Also. Car has to fit in the garage.
Today is the Trunk or Treat event at church. First year in a few that I won't be working at it. My back won't take all the standing. Hope my exercise class will change all of that. For a while the weather looked like it wasn't going to cooperate, but right now it looks fabulous. Chilly but bright. Made to order. Hope they have a great time. Glad I am able to not be in it. Have a lot of stuff to do here today. Paper stuff. Library stuff, Want to finish the Shack book. More about that later. Hope your day is as good as mine has been so far. Had enough for lunch that all I need for dinner is some of my cabbage soup which is getting better and better but soon will be gone.
Today, I think I learned how to put links on my blog. Hope you can connect to this without joining Google.
Good thing I am an old pro at this type of driving. Could have been pretty, but slick. Ike was sitting on his porch across from mine and told me that it had not snowed here, but it had hailed. The pellets were still on the ground when I went to get yesterday's mail and I picked up one of my hanging plants to store in the garage until I am ready to bag it for the landscaping truck to take away. The two geraniums are still intact on my porch, but I suppose they will be going too.
I do not like this forced denuding of the flower gardens, but I suppose it does get one ready mentally for the upcoming winter. At least the sight of snow this afternoon, surely did. Me? I want to hang on to the last flower until the last leaf is off the last tree. But these things are not to be. This morning when I got to church one of the greeters approached me with an address and asked if I would be able to pick up a lady who just moved into the senior apartments down the road. These are the Gardens Apartments, and are a great place to live if you have the money. They are around 1000 square feet and have their own van that takes people grocery shopping and on private outings.
The lady's name is J. Her daughter, S. is a nurse who lives way upnorth. The apartments are letting her try out the apartment for a month, letting her stay in the furnished guest apartment. I think she likes it already. I had lunch with them at a local Polynesian restaurant, and invited J. to our Wednesday nite dinner and teaching service meeting. I think I will hook her up with some of my friends who can drop her off at choir when their class is over.
She may also be interested in going to my arthritis class with me at Beaumont. They have a lot of different classes, so there may be one she can do. But I bet the Gardens has something as well. I know that her township has a senior center, which I forgot to tell them about at lunch. S will email me from upnorth, so I can let her know about that when she gets home. Her Mom has some other relatives in the area, so she may already know about the center. Also, as she makes friends at the Gardens I bet she will get more of a knack for the region. If my sister's experience in P.H. is any indication, you can have a lot of fun at these senior apartments.
I told Ike and Rick next door that as soon as my Social Security comes through I will be ready to buy a better car. They are both interested in mine. Hopefully I will soon find the title while going through my paperwork that Flylady started me going through. Amazing the things that are turning up. The two hundred dollars that showed up in a drawer was the best so far though. Still living on that.

Went to Waves Restaurant. Had a great meal of sauteed perch with champagne sauce, with sweet potatoes and asparagus on the side. They had coconut Chicken and Hawaiian chicken salad. They did not think the chicken was done enough. They were going back to her Mom's house to get some of her things. She has a neighbor watching the house and has notified the police to keep an eye on it as well. Hopefully the real estate market will get better this spring when they will be trying to sell it. Two bad they can't get two buyers bidding for it like I do for my car.
Maybe they will. Maybe the economy will take an upturn. Maybe Things will get better. Didn't they used to have a song in the 1930's. Just around the corner theres a bluebird in the sky. So lets have another cup of coffee, and lets have another piece of pie, or buy a car or a house or something. Now I understand what that song was all about. Get the economy rolling again. Pie, Coffee, cars, houses, trips. Whatever. Right now I will just be happy with a car I can depend on, and my neighbors want a good junker for their second car. Also. Car has to fit in the garage.
Today is the Trunk or Treat event at church. First year in a few that I won't be working at it. My back won't take all the standing. Hope my exercise class will change all of that. For a while the weather looked like it wasn't going to cooperate, but right now it looks fabulous. Chilly but bright. Made to order. Hope they have a great time. Glad I am able to not be in it. Have a lot of stuff to do here today. Paper stuff. Library stuff, Want to finish the Shack book. More about that later. Hope your day is as good as mine has been so far. Had enough for lunch that all I need for dinner is some of my cabbage soup which is getting better and better but soon will be gone.
Today, I think I learned how to put links on my blog. Hope you can connect to this without joining Google.
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