Monday, October 27, 2008


After spending some of the weekend reading about the horrible things going on in other parts of the world it was good to read in this morning's Washington Post online about the way in which Rwanda, the site of such horrible genocide in the last decade, is now recovering and even having community work days where neighbors help neighbors to rebuild. The fact that women are being recognized as leaders is ironic.

A few years ago I was at Sam's Club and picked up Left to Tell, by Immaculée Ilibagiza, who has since appeared in countless meetings and on PBS in the United States telling her story of forgiving her enemies after losing almost her entire family, her life as she knew it and being personally imprisoned in a small bathroom with several other women in the home of a friend who risked his life to hide them from the madness that went on for many weeks all around them.

I did not think the book would be popular, as the book I had about the man who survived Dar fur, was not well received, but after Immaculée spoke at a local mega church here, many of my friends were asking me if we had it in our library, not because they wanted to borrow it, but I think because they thought her story such a good one of rising above hatred and atrocity. I have to agree. Right now my copy of Left to Tell has been loaned to a friend who has lived and worked in a neighboring country where economic disaster is happening because of an over zealous ruler, and people are suffering greatly. I thought it and he thought it would be good to read her story.

I am still learning how to put links on my blog page. So if you try any of the links let me know if they work. I am particularly interested in the Washington Post link as I subscribe the this paper, and it may not work for other people who are not subscribed. Thanks. Time for breakfast. Seems like an overindulgent thing after thinking so much about the troubles of the world. Recovery was the theme of the Post article, and after seeing so much evil it is good to read of recovery. Hope it will happen in India, Iraq and elsewhere. Pray the atrocities will cease.

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