Saturday, October 4, 2008

AOL Migration?

OK.... The best info I can get is from MAGIC SMOKE the journal pages own blog.  There is a lot of info in there.  Apparently AOL is working this thing through on the fly.  On the seventh of October they are supposed to release a letter explaining how all public journals will be migrated intact to a site called bloggers.   I guess I can wait.  I copied all the text to my word processing program, and the html from Chloe's home page to a file.  I used to know more about html than I can remember now, but at least I understand what all the little symbols and things are.  Like for fonts, and colors.  Fascinating.  Like reading the blueprints for a building where the paths for all the wires and pipes are included.  Theoretically you should be able to reconstruct from the formula.  Don't know how it works out when a rank amateur like me tries it.  BUT
If successful, I will send my friends an address.  I will have to ask Julie what she is doing with all her stuff.  She is the only blog friend I have acquired through this.  Oh, yes,  Deb will need a note too, but she is on Google blogspot and has a great blog. 
To get to Magic Smoke, you click on the link at the top of the journal page.  I sure appreciate what those folk have written.  Makes more sense than anything else I have read.  Hope the guy from Japan got his stuff taken care of. 

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