Using the work, rest, work principle, I am now resting, drinking diet Dr. Pepper and listening to the Berean Call radio broadcast about Oprah's new book club. Don't think there is anything new here for me, but it is more succinctly put together than what I have discerned or read previously.
This link takes you to their list of programs. Today (Saturday) Oprah's New Earth program is at the top. If you click on "mp3" it will play for you. You don't have to download anything. At least I didn't.
This morning after all of the work I did yesterday I had one of the best blood glucose readings I have had in a long time! Summer is a good time to work, so I will try to do more physical work, and more exercise.
I did have to take two excedrin and some cough medicine to get to sleep last night though. I ached a lot and I was a little congested. But I am well rested and could have walked to the restaurant today had not I run into some password problems when I tried to get some email from my great niece Jessica who is on one of those teenage sites. What a hard site to work through, and I never did get the email. So Jessie if you read this and you don't have a real email address let your mom let me know that you got my message. I am never going back to that WAYN site again!!! I changed my AOL password, because they asked for it and they are not supposed to do that I don't think.
Well enough of that. What a beautiful day God has given us today in Michigan. It is just cool enough for a light jacket. My neighbors are out banging doors and riding bikes and doing other stuff in the street. Of course I wouldn't hear all of this if I didn't have my windows and door open. But it is glorious.
Well, back to resting and listening. Then upstairs to start the bookcase. This will be another all day job.
Well, I got upstairs. I started watching the Hockey Game and fell asleep!!! Not that the hockey game was boring, but I woke up feeling rather punk. Then a thunder storm started. Its sunny now and I feel a little better. Amazing how my head works like a storm detector. Had dinner. If cereal and milk is dinner. Plus a lot of cranberry juice.
Watching Overboard on TV, but I have seen it lots of times before, so I can do other stuff while it is on. Think I will try reading my book, then see if I can get the energy up to tackle those boards upstairs again. At least I got the boards organized, and know what I need to do to start, but not a job you want to tackle with a sinus headache. Storm is over, so headache should be gone soon.
BTW Red Wings lost!!! Now things are getting rough for them.
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