Monday, May 5, 2008

Going Public

Well,  I am still at it.  Thinking about making this public.  At least to my sisters.  Well, Pat did ask for it.  So having re read my ramblings, I guess I will take the plunge.  After which, I will go back to normal household chores, and start the newsletter for the Delta Kappa Gamma, which is waiting for my work.  I need a break.  My eyes are tired.  I regret that I did not discover Firefox was the reason for my problem earlier in the day.  Shucks.  I still have to take my morning pills, and it is afternoon already.  I still have to do the laundry that is downstairs. 

So I guess like the old "Right or left at Oak Street" song, I have to decide whether to go upstairs for the pills, or downstairs for the laundry.  And sometime I have to go outside to get to Curves.  Such a life!! Oy Veh!

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