What do neighbors, Rabbits and a nicely made up bed have in common?
All are part of my day. Lets start with the bed. Mine needs to be made. Cathy came today and did help me turn the mattress but because of other unplanned things, I didn't get it made up afterwards. And I am oh so tired.
The agenda today had on it. My eye doctor appointment which turned up no change in my vision. I decided I would get a haircut, if I had time. Or rather if Reflections and Kim had time. My appointment at noon gave me just enough time to come home and eat. I had a nice turkey Rueben sandwich, and made the reservations for the restaurant for the L'Anse Creuse group for tomorrow, and then took off for the hairdresser. I was gone all of a half of one hour. When I returned it was raining inside my garage.
My neighbor in the carriage unit over the garages had forgotten he was soaking dishes in his laundry tub and turned on the washer, causing the tub to eventually overflow. He was able to right the situation. So said his pregnant fiance´, but the water was still coming down into the garage, running down my kitchen door, and dripping into of all things the cat's litter box. Little did I know that it had dripped over the edge of the garage floor and unto the cement blocks comprising the basement wall. The furnace man who came later in the day discovered the furnace awash with small puddles.
I was originally going to clean the garage today, but decided to wait because my back was hurting this morning. Well, needless to say the garage got cleaned and quite well. My car sat outside for quite a while and now all is put back into place and things seem well. But am I ever tired.
I had just slipped off my shoes and socks, after all was done, when my neighbor across the street came over to tell me that there was a mother and infant rabbit sitting on the sidewalk outside my living room window. I invited her in to view the charming scene. The Mama rabbit looked as tired as I felt, as she nursed this little bunny and licked it off much like a mother cat does.
My nature loving neighbor informed me that something had gotten to her mourning dove as she had found lots of feathers outside her front door. I had a few outside mine too. I suspect the two or three feral cats, that are fed by the folk in the next complex. Nature is tough. I bet the cats are a reason why the mother rabbit only had one baby left and was not in her nest. Her nest is under the arborvitae, and that is where I found the feathers. Sometimes life is cruel. But then these are the same rabbits that eat my tulip bulbs. I plant extra so I can be sure to get blooms.
My hair is cut in a wedge. I am not sure if I like it, but I had no time to deal with it, and I plan to go to bed early tonight, if I ever get the bed made, so tomorrow will hopefully be different.
They are making violent noises on Bones, so I may not watch it after all.
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