Couch was given to my niece, Jenny, but I kept the chair. Don't know where the Futon is today, but I still have the chair. I will just have to be careful how I sit on it.
AN OVERwhelming need to write, to express, as I observe whatever I observe. Mainly an outlet for me, but if it brings you joy or thoughts please feel free to comment. All comments are filtered.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Furniture repair
Busy day today. Cathy is coming to clean, so I have to get all "stuff" done by 1 PM. Audrey wanted me to send an e mail to her friend who is working in one of her overseas ministry stations and got caught in the Typhoon. Did that. Will go downstairs to watch news and Jeopardy while today's laundry cooks. (washes) Then Have to go upstairs to make bed and get bills ready to pay. Wonder what I will do while Cathy cleans.
I know I want her to look at the spring in my chair that I broke. I think we can drill a hole next to the broken eye hook, and maybe can get the spring re attached. This is the chair that has a frame of real maple, and past experience with drilling the futon that came with this set has redefined what is meant by hard wood like Maple. We had to spray water on the drill site of the sofa to keep it from catching fire when we drilled. That was for a bolt that broke years ago when a former roommate learned good news about her future in laws paying for her upcoming honeymoon trip to Europe. When Dave told her, she jumped up from the couch with such force that when she landed there was a resounding "ping", the source of which was not discovered until twenty years later when Cathy and I tried to reupholster it.
Couch was given to my niece, Jenny, but I kept the chair. Don't know where the Futon is today, but I still have the chair. I will just have to be careful how I sit on it.
Couch was given to my niece, Jenny, but I kept the chair. Don't know where the Futon is today, but I still have the chair. I will just have to be careful how I sit on it.
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