Large Gaping Hole in the Ceiling
Well, the ceiling in the garage was still sagging yesterday, although it did not fall down as my worst case scenario imagined it. I pointed it out to the condo board, and asked Rick if he had liability insurance. Rick is a good strong man and a plumber besides. He offered to repair the ceiling and after poking a hole large enough to get his finger into found soggy insulation and upon making the hole larger, found quite a bit of water still there. No mold.
I told him I would pay for the drywall, but he wants to do it all with a couple of his friends. I have seen them. They look like they can handle it. There will be two large pieces that need to be put in and right now there is about a three by four foot hole in the ceiling to allow air in to dry it out. They will start work next week.
Meanwhile Toast is banned from the garage unless accompanied by a responsible adult who can grab him should he even attempt to jump the four to five feet to the ceiling. He is very tempted because Rick has a little dog up there and Toast can hear it barking through the now open and exposed floorboards. OH, well. Kitty has a box in that basement and he knows how to use it.
This is the second time in my life that I have gotten to look up into the workings of a ceiling exposed because of water.
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I read a statement in today's paper by the neighbor of Nathaniel Abraham, the young man who was given a second chance after serving time in juvie for murder. This neighbor Natalie Green is working two jobs to support her Jeep's gas tank, and her 2 year old grandson. She gets little sleep but keeps going. Sounds like someone in her own life has not taken responsibility either. Her statement when asked if she ever wondered how Nathaniel got on without having a job at all (he is in jail for dealing) was: "A lot of these young guys don't want to get a real job," she sighs. "They don't understand they have to work to stay out of trouble." Well R has a job, but the baby thing does not show responsibility. But it is the pattern of our society and is costing our society dearly.
This is a post script. I never was good with math, but in the wee hours of the morning I did the math and figured out that my upstairs neighbor, the man I am trusting to finish the work of fixing the gaping hole he made in my ceiling last week, has gotten two different women pregnant in the last year, and although he swears loyalty to the one currently living with him and due in July, that the baby she is carrying was conceived about the same time that the other baby was staying with him (baby, not Mom?) when we had the carbon monoxide incident, last November. And big mouth me, did mention the older baby in the present of the present live in when Rick and I were discussing the drywall work. Well, I always thought honesty was the best policy, and I did not hear any yelling from upstairs afterward, so hopefully he has been open with her. She is his long time girlfriend and seems to have matured since the first time I met her. I only hope they marry and settle down for the sake of baby number two. AND, should the drywall work not be done this week, I am prepared to arrange for it myself. But hopefully R. will do what he says he will do. At any rate the gaping hole had to be. Otherwise we would have serious mold.
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