Thursday, May 22, 2008

Great Article on Being Single


I just finished reading one of the most clear articles for older singles and those who know older singles that I have ever read.  In two pages Lisa Harper accurately looks at Scripture about singleness, marriage, and husbands and God.  She does a great job of reading the verses in context, dispelling myths, and putting singles and I suppose marrieds more at ease.  I copy the URL for it here and have saved the PDF on my hard drive should anyone want a copy.  Email me at if you have any trouble linking this link.

And NO  this is not the Lisa Harper that we in Michigan know as a pastor's wife.  This is a fortyish Lisa Harper who writes books and has a column at Today's Christian Woman Magazine. 
And for me one of those special younger than me people who have said things that make sense.  For this I am grateful. 

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