Good news. No change detected. I can eat again and take Excedrin again if I need to. No stormy weather when I went. Thanks to my friend Cathy who took me and stayed with me. This is a hard thing for single people. But I am glad for friends like her.
Today. I am really tired. This anesthetic went a little different that the other times. First of all I actually remember the experience only thankfully it was not what was actually happening that I remembered. Instead, I remember rumbling and a low roar, reminded me of what those old merry-go-rounds we used to play on at school. The kind where you run as you push it and then jump on to ride it to its rumbling end. I couldn't see anything, but felt like I was lying down on the floor of one of those old merry go rounds. Then I remember it really going fast but not around, but more like it was going somewhere. At that point I decided to open my eyes to see if I was back at the nurses station in endoscopy. I was. The other two times I woke up and whoever had brought me was there already. It was some time before they called Cathy in. I am guessing that the anesthesiologist went a little easier on the drugs this time. Dr. Gunn said the whole procedure only takes about seven minutes, which surprised me, because I had no idea of time the other two times, but this time it was about as long as you would want to be bumping around on one of those merry go rounds when you were a kid. I liked the bumpy wagon ride that took me back to the nurses station.
Only trouble now, is I can't seem to get going again. I fell asleep in my bed while watching Jeopardy, and was in a very deep sleep. The cat thought something was wrong I guess because he woke me up by meowing and biting my ankles. He doesn't do that unless I am asleep for too long. I have visions that if I should have anything seriously wrong with me or die in bed or something that they will think Toast was trying to eat me or something. No, its just his way of trying to get me to be normal again. He's a good pet. If I am sick though he seems to sense that and stays by my bed for hours at a time. He doesn't bite me then. Now if only I could train him to run the microwave and bring me hot broth, or make jello or something.... Naw, I wouldn't like eating jello cooked by a cat. Forget that.
Anyway, the doc says I do have a hiatal hernia and no change in the Barretts, which is good. Pathology will come back later.
Glad it went OK. I have only had that done once and don't remember any of it, thank goodness. You cat sounds like a cutie.
It was nice to get a comment. I laughed this morning when I re read the hospital outpatient sheet. They said I could drive after 24 hours but could not sign any legal papers for 48 hours. Shows how much sense it takes to drive. But then I had a doctor's appointment today, and had to drive there, so I was grateful.
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