They just got most of the 200,000 people who lost electricity back up and now they are saying that Ann Arbor area and others have trees down again. I don't think Ann Arbor got hit with Sunday's storm. Well, we were blessed with being bypassed for a few times while the rest of the country got socked. Now its our turn. Just heard about Cedar Rapids Iowa being flooded with video of the downtown area last night on TV. I didn't lose power last time. Hope we do the same this time.
A friend of mine has a funeral for her son who died suddenly at age 34 or so of an apparent heart attack. I am bringing jello. At least this time it set. I couldn't find my regular bowl, so I put it in my good pineapple pattern cut glass bowl. At least the presentation will be good, and folk at church are careful, but hopefully I will still have the bowl when this is done. After it had all set, I found the bowl I was looking for, but it does look nice in the pineapple pattern bowl, so I won't change it now. Just be very careful with the bowl.
I ran a tub of water for bath, so I can get that out of the way before the storm comes too. Right here it is clear, and we haven't had our storm warnings yet, but now the storm is in Southfield and places I can drive to in less than an hour. So I will finish the coffee and shut down.
My friends in northern Macomb County just got their power back Wednesday. Another friend in a pocket near here still did not have power as of Wednesday night. It is rough on old people who can't take the heat, and on folk who need electric for oxygen and other medical devices. Hopefully Oakland and Macomb County will be spared. Oakland still doesn't have power in a lot of places.
Hospital tried to call me yesterday, but my answering machine cut me off before I could get the message. They did not call back. Hopefully it wasn't my pathology report. I am not expecting that until next week.
Well, even though it is sunny, I think I will put this in and sign off. I have to get dressed enough to take my plants down again so they don't fly all over the place when the wind starts again. Dug up my tulip bulbs yesterday. Ground is hard and could use a good soaking. A good rain will wash away the fishfly invasion we got last night too. Bulbs look good but not as many as I thought there would be considering the blooms I had. I bet they are caught down in the roots of the shrubs.
Well I am off to do my bath. Still sunny outside. Its almost 8 AM and I have to get on the road soon anyway. Hopefully the storms won't be there when I am.
Take care. The storms have been bad here also.
You take care also. I heard this afternoon that they were voluntarily evacuating parts of Des Moines. I once stayed in an apartment on Grand Ave. there when they had a tornado. We went to the basement till the all clear sounded. Shortly after we went back upstairs there were tree branches floating down the street almost as fast as a car would have gone. Iowa is a good state. Hope you don't have any more flooding. Twice in twenty years is enough already!.
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