Today was the third parade down Woodward with all the players, team owners, former players, including Gordie Howe. All were riding in open vehicles, but not the Lincoln Convertible type as I imagined. No, these were rough and tough guys. They rode in the backs of Pickup trucks, or on the back of a convertible Corvette. Gordie and two other people rode on the back of a Corvette. They did everything. Sang the Star Spangled banner, interviewed both players, owners, and bystanders. A lot of red and white clad Detroiters stood out in the hot hot sun and watched this. It had to be a thrill. I was happy to be inside my living room. Telecast went from 9 AM to when the parade started at eleven, and was still going when I got tired of it at three PM> By then my scrabble buddy was enjoying my air and we each had a victory at scrabble before she had to leave for other duties.
Besides this, I got my hose outside turned on and unwound. I bought two pots of salmon colored Geraniums at the new Randazzo's for under twenty dollars. They rest on my porch, but if it gets any hotter, I am putting both on the ground where they can be a little more sheltered. Don't want to cook them the first day.
Discovered that an advantage of the gaping hole in my garage ceiling is that my garage is now nice and cool thanks to my upstairs neighbor's airconditioner. This will be a bargaining point for getting the work done faster. But I wouldn't ask anyone to work in this weather, although if it keeps up I will point out that the garage is now airconditioned, so it will be easier work. I am not in a hurry. I have to find painters when it is all done. Or try my hand at it. That would be interesting.
My endoscopy is scheduled for 7:15 on Monday. The good news is I can take aspirin again. Hopefully there will be good news that it is a negative report also. Cathy L. is taking me. Then she is staying and cleaning my house. On Sunday I will pick up mushy food for me to eat just in case I can't eat regular food.
Called Pat and Jim on Cell because long distance is free on it and I am on the beginning of the minutes for the month. My battery on my downstairs phone is dying, so I am still using cell. Hope I don't get too many long calls.
Started MLA Newsletter. Will finish it tonight more or less.
Over and out.
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