Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Neat quote about books

I am reading the book: DEWEY, the small-town Library Cat who touched the World by Vicki Myron with Bret Witter.

If you have not read it yet, its a great read. About Iowa, Cats, Libraries, Small Towns. I am not done yet but its better than Marley, in that Dewey Readmore Books touched more lives when he was alive, than Marley possibly did posthumously.

Anyway on page 164 I gleaned this truthful tidbit about the Book as a media type.
The covers may be more colorful, the art more expressive, and the type more contemporary, but in general the books look the same as they did in 1982. (when Dewey showed up as a frostbitten kitten in the book drop of the Spencer Public Library)
And that's not going to change. Books have survived television, radio, talking pictures, circulars (early magazines) dailies (early newspapers), Punch and Judy shows, and Shakespeare's plays. They have survived World War II, the Hundred Years' War, the Black Death, and the fall of the Roman Empire. They even survived the Dark Ages, when almost no one could read and each book had to be copied by hand. They aren't going to be killed off by the Internet,
And I can add Kindle, and video games, and all kinds of other things to this quote. It is a very user friendly media. Amazon.com, Barnes and Nobles and other bookstores are thriving. Libraries may not have the circulation statistics that they used to have, and the book drop at the Spencer Public Library is no longer full, because many are using the Internet for research, but books are handy, comfortable and will be around for a long time to come.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday Morning Confusion

Saturday Morning Confusion
the song above by Bobby Russell is funny, and tells about the sacrifices Dad's make to enjoy their families and have their families remember them well. Aside from the reference to a hangover it reminds me of my own Dad. He was a good one.

It has been so long since I posted, I almost forgot how. I posted to another group my sentiments about Dad's Day. Hope you all have a blessed one.

A friend who commented about another friend's weight loss, which was easier, because they are not dealing with meds that halt progress, nevertheless got me thinking that in spite of the pain from trying to walk yesterday, I must get back on program. So I made up a blank spreadsheet based on the one I had been using to track nutrition. Doctor wants me to do 45 carbs a meal. Except for snacks.

When I transfer the data, Excel will take over for my poor math. And poor handwriting, and give me a food diary to present to the doctor. I get the nutritional info from Spark People. com

I will be happy if I can actually start seeing the needle on my scale move.... Downward, that is. It doesn't move at all. Maybe I should take the scale apart and remove the superglue?

Anyway. This is rambling, so my apologies to those on the mailing list. I am watching Charles Stanley In Touch, which is my Sunday Morning luxury. Choir is not singing this morning so I don't have to leave so early to pick up Joyce, the lady down the street in the senior building, who just got up. Stanley is good this morning. He usually is. Why are all of the good preachers old, like me?

This morning, my feet hurt, but everything else is good. My friend in the hospital is going to be released Monday, and sent home with 24 hour aide! Guess the insurance company of the guy who hit her on her bike is going to pay. Glad. She will like being home. Basically her attitude is good, but her bod is not cooperating. Suffice it to say an enema did not work yesterday. My friend who is a nurse is her nurse this weekend. She is in good hands.

I will check on her this afternoon. I hope things will be better and I hope if they are not, that they don't send her home, even though she would like to be home with her stuff and her little kitten. Considering she could have been killed, she is doing very well. Trust this little set back will be changed.

Well. Time to go. If you get to watch In Touch with Charles Stanley later on today on another channel, do it. He is so throrough. God bless you all, especially the Dad's.