My clock radio goes off at 7 AM. (It goes on some time after 5) It went off about the same time the thunder went boom. What an awakening. Change in pressure brought tremendous sinus headache. So glad I found the Excedrin yesterday. So glad I took my bath/shower last night (I have an aversion to sitting in a tub of water when lightning is going on all around me.)
Well the Excedrin is taking hold and the storm outside seems to have eased up as well. I have one more bill to get ready for the mailbox, if and when I am able to make it the fifty steps or so down the road to mail them. There is a card for Mama Bear who I hope is doing better in the hospital. There is the Association fee, which I always forget, usually, and
Well the Excedrin is taking hold and the storm outside seems to have eased up as well. I have one more bill to get ready for the mailbox, if and when I am able to make it the fifty steps or so down the road to mail them. There is a card for Mama Bear who I hope is doing better in the hospital. There is the Association fee, which I always forget, usually, and
a doctor bill, somewhere in there.
We have really needed rain, and this morning's rain was quite welcome. I am guessing that the wind that accompanied it has knocked both of my flower pots off the porch, and possibly messed with my chairs as well, but I will deal with those later. Right now the job at hand is upstairs oriented. Get the bills ready to mail. Get rid of the malaise the sinus headache has caused, and get ready for the service guy who is due in two hours. I am guessing that he will not be able to do the check on the outside part of the AC unit, but he will be able to bring and change the filters on the furnace and check and oil the fans etc. So glad to have the extra money, thanks to my frugality, because I could not do these jobs myself. BUT I have to clear out the basement so a man can be down there. I have been doing laundry and who knows what is hanging on the line. Plus I do not want to decapitate anyone with the lines themselves. AS soon as the headache is gone. And it is going.
Also, need to call Medco about my diabetic strips. Such a pain. Why can't these be filled like other things? At the drug store. A small difficulty, and the insurance does pay a big amount for them, so I guess they can get feisty.
The weather report just said storms all day, but 93 degrees. Wow. Except for the lightning sounds like one could take a shower outside today. Strange weather. Too hot yet rain. At least I don't have to water the lawn.
I can't imagine 93 degree heat with rain. We have 97 but verylittle humidity. Stay out of water during lightning storms. Very dangerous.
Thanks Patricia,
I don't go anywhere in a lightning storm If I can help it.
The AC guy was here at a bad part of it. He almost did not want to go back out to his truck.
You can hardly blame him. C & C heating called almost right away to reschedule. Next Wednesday afternoon..
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