Friday, November 7, 2008

Pretty Sunset after Rainy Day

Today they finished pouring the cement. In seven days, I will be able to get back into my garage. It will be a long wait. But at least now there will be no early morning shuffling of cars.

This morning I had to move my car from in front of my door to back down the street, where it still sits, though vulnerable. Just after the guys finished smoothing off the last of the concrete, it began to rain and did so for most of the day. I finished one newsletter, and began another. Then it got dark and dreary. I shut the windows and blinds. Around six, I noticed a pink light coming through the holes in the blinds where the strings go through. So I opened them to be greeted with one of the most beautiful sunsets I have seen around here. I grabbed the camera (and my shoes!) and went out to take these two photos, but the photos do not do it justice.

Watching Jeopardy and the news. News not good. Ford and GM are both facing a dire future. When I went to look at new cars while mine was in the shop, there were lots of folks waiting to have their cars fixed, but none in the showroom. I could buy a new car, but they have made a headrest on all new cars that digs into the back of your head, giving you a terrible pain if you drive them for too far. Now what is that all about? They did show me a Malibu with a seat you could tilt forward, so the thing didn't jab into your head if you had the seatback up.

They said it was done so folk wouldn't get whiplash. Well, I never had whiplash, but I could have an accident in one of those cars if that thing banged into my head for too long, with or without whiplash. So I hope my 116,000 car lasts just a little longer. Or I could buy a car that was built before they put that strange thing in it.

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