Why did the red rose turn black when this same photo was taken with a flash? Strange. Photo from last night's banquet at Sajo's where I discovered that the fish is very good indeed. and Maria on the other end did not like the pecan encrusted chicken. I have found it overly sweet too as my appetite has changed. Banquet was May 18th, 2010. Just decided I should post something other than Easter here. Biding my time till seven AM when I can take my tests and get on with my day. It is a beautiful sunny day here in the neighborhood. There is a lot on my to do list, getting these photos (19 of them) of the banquet formatted and on their way was one of the first things.
I shall take my meds, lie back down and listen to my readings for today next. Then off to breakfast and meetings, shopping, and canceling membership at Snap Fit. Nothing wrong with the place, except it is dark and full of young hunks, and probably the place where I got the H1-N1 flu last fall. No place to sit between exercises, and I like the hospital gym better for comradie and senior awareness, and places to sit, and a nicer decor.
Between WW and the gym, I hope to no longer be the largest person in photographs.