I guess I have had these pains about four days now. Ever since I ate the Pay Day Bars I bought to give to the beggars, if I have any. About ten years ago I had a doctor tell me I had this disease, although I had never hardly ever had any symptoms. It is a blessing and a curse as Adrian Monk would say, to have this high pain tolerance. I guess more of a blessing. Anyway, I need to get out and buy some Kellogs All Bran which usually takes care of this for me. Nuts are good, but only in moderation. When, Oh When will I learn moderation?
Anyway after getting the pain again after breakfast of bran cereal and cranberry juice, I called my friend from Choir to explain my absence to the director. Hope my seat mate in choir does not worry. We are kind of a team in our support for one another and others in our section. I will miss singing the song. Still the Cross. So appropriate for this present financial crisis. Starts out:
"Sometimes it seems the world's unraveling around us. We fear it all may one day come undone. We can't forget the One who came before us to forgive the past and give hope for what's to come.
"When it all comes crashing down the cross still stands alone. And on this our faith is built and our courage is made strong. "
"When the world falls apart and you fear for your heart, there's a tower of peace. It's still the cross.
"So bring your sick and your poor, and your longing for more, to the place of relief, It's still the cross."
Words and music by Jeromy Deibler, Scott Williamson, and Donna Smith. Arranged by Dave Williamson.
So it is hard for me to sit and be still but the radio and TV church programs are so rich here in Mt. Clemens, it does have a plus side. After the Moody Church I will have to go out and get my All Bran. Today's Moody message by Norman Lutzer is about loyalty colliding with our Christian loyalty. I should probably order the CDs of this series. Its only 4 messages but great.
So I have this time of rest, real rest on a Sunday, and need to rest feeling that all will be well with the church, the choir and the library in spite of my absence.
AN OVERwhelming need to write, to express, as I observe whatever I observe. Mainly an outlet for me, but if it brings you joy or thoughts please feel free to comment. All comments are filtered.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday, Tuesday Exercise class
Just got home from Exercise class (Not Curves, the one from the Hospital for arthritis) Today I went on the treadmill and discovered I could still walk a twenty minute mile. I like their treadmills. You can adjust the height on incline, so you can do a little but not so much you hurt your heels like my old treadmill did. Then of course we did the other exercises using weights and exercising all of our muscles and joints. I feel like I have worked out when I leave there and am energized. Its a whole hour class with varied activity and a great instructor who watches to see that we do the exercises right. Plus it doesn't cost that much. I get a lot for the buck there. Its less expensive than Curves. I will keep my Curves membership, until I figure if this class will meet my needs. It is fifteen minutes from home, down Jefferson, which is an easy road by the lakeside. Afterwards, I went to the Harbor Master to eat and had stuffed peppers and salad, cabbage soup and jello. I wore my new yellow top. The one I sewed up so it would fit me better. I got some tomato on it but it came out. I am the girl in yellow today.
After lunch I went to my favorite farmers Market which is in SCS on Mack towards Grosse Pointe. Got tomatoes, Apples, Peaches, cucumbers, peppers and lettuce. And for indulgence... Apple Cider from Blakes. Sure is easier than driving to Blakes.
I will start on the Condo newsletter today after I get the house cooled off, and finish the laundry. Another great sunny day. All mine!
No one appears to be reading this, so this is my journal. All mine. Someone did leave a comment on my favorite books page, but only left his web site. Think he is trying to sell something. I can always delete these if it becomes a problem.
Well, have to get on with things. This morning I retained my three pound weight lass. Didn't take the class for that reason, but its a nice benefit. Hardly expected. Took my pulse after the treadmill, and it was not that elevated. That was a good sign too. Wonder what the results of all the heart tests next week will be?
¿Quien Sabe?
Tags: exercise
After lunch I went to my favorite farmers Market which is in SCS on Mack towards Grosse Pointe. Got tomatoes, Apples, Peaches, cucumbers, peppers and lettuce. And for indulgence... Apple Cider from Blakes. Sure is easier than driving to Blakes.
I will start on the Condo newsletter today after I get the house cooled off, and finish the laundry. Another great sunny day. All mine!
No one appears to be reading this, so this is my journal. All mine. Someone did leave a comment on my favorite books page, but only left his web site. Think he is trying to sell something. I can always delete these if it becomes a problem.
Well, have to get on with things. This morning I retained my three pound weight lass. Didn't take the class for that reason, but its a nice benefit. Hardly expected. Took my pulse after the treadmill, and it was not that elevated. That was a good sign too. Wonder what the results of all the heart tests next week will be?
¿Quien Sabe?
Tags: exercise
Friday, September 19, 2008
Busy Day
Today I got a lot done. I love those days that start totally unstructured, like a blank book to fill in with activity. I didn't get much sleep last night because I stayed up trying to re write the minutes to the DKG meeting. I took minutes because the secretary who is supposed to had to be out of town. She was coming by to pick them up this morning either before or after her hair appointment which was near here. With gas the way it is, you make use of trips by doing more than one thing on a trip. Today for me was a no trip day.
I got up early and began to type the minutes on the computer. That way when I forgot things I could add them in. Then I got the information that Judy had missed from the meeting this summer together. I was able to eat breakfast and was having coffee on the porch when Judy arrived. All she will have to do is condense my notes. I tend to write a lot, which is why I don't do good at minutes. My minutes are more like hours.
AFter Judy left, I had a conference with the secy from the condos about the newsletter, but realized it was time for lunch. My sugar was 85 which is borderline low, so I ate well and healthy. I realized that I needed to catch up the several hours sleep I had lost last night so took a nap.
Then I was able to finish getting the sewing machine to work. I discovered that the manuals I had for the machine still had address tags from Moravian on them. I moved from Moravian in 1991. I had bought some oil and put it as best I could where the manual said to. I sewed a few stitches for practice, and discovered that my hands remembered how to run fabric through a machine. It felt good. I took on the chore I got the machine out for in the first place. Shortened the shoulder seams on the two bargain knit shirts I got from K Mart. I really should take out the sleeve to do it right, but there is piping on the edge, and taking it apart and putting it together again would be a massive job. If I had wanted to make a shirt from scratch, I would have done so. These are for bumming around in, so a few tucks here and there won't matter. Hopefully they will shrink a little when washed because I really needed to take them in further than was possible. I felt good that I was able to get the machine running, and actually use it in a convenient way in my upstairs office.
I still can't master the Library Thing so that the page appears on the blog, but if you are computer efficient and interested in books, here is the link for my profile. From there you can get to my library which is public and search titles, or look at covers. If something is there that you would like, phone me. I have tags that tell me where everything is in my house. I still have most of the upstairs books to do. I am tossing as I go, and may toss more. I tend to weed twice. This at least gives me a handle on things. Besides that it is fun.
Tomorrow is the Chippewa Junior High picnic but I won't be able to go. I forgot to register, and gas is expensive. maybe next year. Vicki will be disappointed. She was the contact I made from the last picnic.
I also finally made the appointments with the St. Johns center on Romeo Plank road for the holter monitor, echogram and thallium stress tests that Dr. Khatter ordered. I think the shortness of breath I have is due to the fact that two different doctors have me on two different blood pressure pills. Neither one wants to stop the prescription, so Blue Cross will pay for the tests mostly and I should be able to get a third opinion as to which drug to stop. Dr. Tobin says there is another one I can take instead of Enalapril, but she wants to wait on the heart tests. I saw a Golden Girls episode where Blanche is fitted with a pacemaker. I guess its a sign of the times. Hopefully I will come out OK and not need that yet, but if I do, I do. I really think I am taking too many meds.
Well, It is time to start getting ready for bed... Do the laundry, get it upstairs, lay out tomorrows clothes, which can include my recently altered new shirts, and maybe do some reading.
I got up early and began to type the minutes on the computer. That way when I forgot things I could add them in. Then I got the information that Judy had missed from the meeting this summer together. I was able to eat breakfast and was having coffee on the porch when Judy arrived. All she will have to do is condense my notes. I tend to write a lot, which is why I don't do good at minutes. My minutes are more like hours.
AFter Judy left, I had a conference with the secy from the condos about the newsletter, but realized it was time for lunch. My sugar was 85 which is borderline low, so I ate well and healthy. I realized that I needed to catch up the several hours sleep I had lost last night so took a nap.
Then I was able to finish getting the sewing machine to work. I discovered that the manuals I had for the machine still had address tags from Moravian on them. I moved from Moravian in 1991. I had bought some oil and put it as best I could where the manual said to. I sewed a few stitches for practice, and discovered that my hands remembered how to run fabric through a machine. It felt good. I took on the chore I got the machine out for in the first place. Shortened the shoulder seams on the two bargain knit shirts I got from K Mart. I really should take out the sleeve to do it right, but there is piping on the edge, and taking it apart and putting it together again would be a massive job. If I had wanted to make a shirt from scratch, I would have done so. These are for bumming around in, so a few tucks here and there won't matter. Hopefully they will shrink a little when washed because I really needed to take them in further than was possible. I felt good that I was able to get the machine running, and actually use it in a convenient way in my upstairs office.
I still can't master the Library Thing so that the page appears on the blog, but if you are computer efficient and interested in books, here is the link for my profile. From there you can get to my library which is public and search titles, or look at covers. If something is there that you would like, phone me. I have tags that tell me where everything is in my house. I still have most of the upstairs books to do. I am tossing as I go, and may toss more. I tend to weed twice. This at least gives me a handle on things. Besides that it is fun.
Tomorrow is the Chippewa Junior High picnic but I won't be able to go. I forgot to register, and gas is expensive. maybe next year. Vicki will be disappointed. She was the contact I made from the last picnic.
I also finally made the appointments with the St. Johns center on Romeo Plank road for the holter monitor, echogram and thallium stress tests that Dr. Khatter ordered. I think the shortness of breath I have is due to the fact that two different doctors have me on two different blood pressure pills. Neither one wants to stop the prescription, so Blue Cross will pay for the tests mostly and I should be able to get a third opinion as to which drug to stop. Dr. Tobin says there is another one I can take instead of Enalapril, but she wants to wait on the heart tests. I saw a Golden Girls episode where Blanche is fitted with a pacemaker. I guess its a sign of the times. Hopefully I will come out OK and not need that yet, but if I do, I do. I really think I am taking too many meds.
Well, It is time to start getting ready for bed... Do the laundry, get it upstairs, lay out tomorrows clothes, which can include my recently altered new shirts, and maybe do some reading.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Library Thing, Seeing the Hockey Mom, and Mama Mia
I have been busy lately uploading books I have in my house on the free site (up to 1000 items) Librarything. Below is a link for one of the books I added recently. If this does not work, you can go to Librarything.com and register, its not a complicated process, then look for Toastysmom's library,. This is a work in progress so books are being added daily. I am arranging them right now by what shelf they are in in what room, and later on may do more of a Dewey arrangement. As a librarian and a cataloger, I love the use of technology. For most titles all you have to do is put in the ISBN number usually found on the back of the book if it has a dustjacket or is a paperback. If not, the ISBN, earlier called the SBN is on the verso of the title page in the front of the book. If the book predates, or does not have an ISBN, you can try the title or author as entry points, but then you may have to search by copyright date, or something else. Try it on your new books. When you get the hang of it, start adding more complicated titles. The photo is of a cover of a pamphlet, which may be one of my own personal original library. It was not in any data base, but I love the book, so I added it manually, including uploading the cover, which is pretty and looks like Michigan in the spring. I scanned the cover, then saved the scan as a jpg, and uploaded it. Voile.
On other matters. I really like the breath of Springtime that the Governor of Alaska has brought to the present presidential campaign. On Friday I will be able to attend a rally where both McCain and his grass roots running mate will be presenting. I am going. It is outside. Hopefully it won't be rained out, as security does not allow us to bring umbrellas. Plastic is probably OK. Photo is of Laura, Paul and Mary K. at rally. We arrived quite early and got really good seats. They told us to wear red. It was an exciting day.
On Thursday I am going with friends to see the movie Mama Mia at the new Partridge Creek Shopping Mall. My first time to the mall. I will go early so I can look at the Birkenstock shoe store and the Apple Store both of which are close to the theatre.
Well, the thunderstorm is coming and I must close down. I also have to go to Curves, or to church or both. So it's Adios for now. Hope someone reads this besides me. Love to all.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Betsy 3 years gone Return of the Hurricane
This is the picture my niece Lucy picked out in 2005 when she was thinking about Betsy. Betsy, her love of cats, had a sweatshirt that said "Cats I can quit any time" Betsy, who bravely dealt with the brain cancer matastacized from melenoma, that took her life 8 months after detection on September 1, 2005. The day she died was the day the papers bore the headline. Totally Devastated, after the dikes broke in New Orleans. It was surreal reading that headline in the small waiting room on the oncology ward at St. Johns, while allowing other family members to be with Betsy in her room down the hall. Such devastation, in the country and in our own hearts was overwhelming.
That overwhelmed feeling has been hitting me today and yesterday as the events of Katrina the hurricane and Gustave, the current hurricane seemed so similar. It is good that our Betsy will not be forgotten. It occured to me that our church choir was already practicing the last week of August that year as my friend Laura had commented on how I had bonded with Betsy so much it was like she was MY daughter as well as Gloria's. Well, I did feel close to her, and did bond in all those trips from Marine City to Detroit and back. She was a gutsier driver than me, but then I am older. Best for everyone to drive at the rate they are comfortable. I never go past Hall Road without thinking that was where she would get off to go to work. I don't go by 26 Mile road or Indian trail without thinking of her. Just can't forget it. I don't think that is a bad thing. But today and yesterday have been hard, remembering by association. Writing down the thoughts in the blog seem to bring closure to today.
My scrabble buddy came by and I beat her at two games. Started a new best sheet. and made a fairly decent dinner of fake crab meat, potatoes and brocolli. Also fresh tomatoes and blueberries. Not a bad meal. Glad today is over and that Gustave does not seem to be as bad for New Orleans as Katrina was. Glad folk did evacuate and that the national guard patrolled the streets so well. Hopefully not much will be lost but people have a respect for the weather.
Just got a call from "A" that the Antiques Roadshow may beevaluating my fan with the peacock feather. I already had it evaluated at about twenty five dollars. That's what they said its worth too. I will probably get it framed.
Well, thats about all. Betsy, we love you. We miss you. We will never forget you. I am glad that Woody is doing well with helping Jeanine into her early childhood and later childhood, as she is the one who will be most impacted in a fashion by this untimely death. Although the impact on her husband, siblings, and friends and Mom and Dad is heavy indeed. I don't think any of us will get over it. Rest In Peace, dear Betsy. We will make it.
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